Shue Yan Alumni Won HK Cup in Joint U Bowling Tournament

Thanks to the effort of Eddie Sum, Brenda Chu, Laiwan Wong and Patrick Law, we have won the Hong Kong Cup in the Joint U alumni associations bowling tournament on Sunday, May 6.
We have won the Men’s Singles Champion, Women’s Singles 1st Runner-up and the Mixed Team 1st Runner-up, with a total of 7 points to make us the Champion of the Year.  Other than the Hong Kong Cup, we are also winner of the Hong Kong SAR 15th Anniversary Cup, which will be kept by the HKSYUCAA permanently.

港7大專校友會友誼球賽 樹仁奪經貿處贊助兩獎盃





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識飲適食講座 Healthy Diet Seminar

April 14, 2012, Saturday
2:30 – 4:30 pm
250 Sheppard Ave. East, Unit 200, North York (NW corner of Sheppard and Willowdale Ave.)
FREE for members of HKSYUCAA
**We have held a very informative workshop on the healthy diet. The attendees are already asking about next workshop to learn more about eating healthily and correctly.  We will work on this.  Stay tuned!
Instructor Maritza Lee (3rd from left) and some attendees.
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Joint U Table Tennis Tournament

Joint U table tennis tournament will be held on Sunday May 1, 2011.

We have six players: men team – Evan Chau, Jeremy Cheung, Johnson Li and Kenneth Li; women team – Connie Fong, Jane Ng.

We have two volunteers: David Lee, Rebecca Kwok.

The player registration deadline is April 15, 2011. We can have two more women players. Please let me know if you want to join the team. We also need more volunteers for the event.

Other than players and volunteers, the most important part is the spectator and the cheering. Hope you can come to the venue and give support to the players. The tournament is from 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm, at Chinese Canadian Table Tennis Association, 1181 Denison St., Markham.

The dinner after the event will be held at Dragon Dynasty Chinese Cuisine ????, at Brimley and Huntingwood area in Scarborough. Dinner starts at 7 pm, cost is $35/person. Della Tin and Rebecca Kwok have reserved seats with me. Hope to see more of you coming to this wonderful event.

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Traffic and Home Safety seminar for joint U alumni

You are invited to a seminar on traffic and home safety issues. Among the speakers will include Const. Bill Chan of Toronto Police Services. He will touch on the problems of auto theft, traffic accidents and situations when drivers will be put at fault. George Mok, home security specialist, will introduce the latest home security and safety technologies. With all these tips about driving and home safety, how it will affect your insurance is the topic of Adam Keung, an insurance expert.
Please join me at this free and informative event:

June 6, 2011, Monday
11:30 am – 2:00 pm
Century Palace Chinese Restaurant, 398 Ferrier St., Markham
RSVP: Jane Ng, by May 20, 2011

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AGM and Chinese New Year celebration 香港樹仁大學加拿大校友會 龍年新春聚餐暨會員大會

日期:2012年2月12 日, 周日
地點:萬錦市Old Kennedy Road 146號富貴樓

$30 for Life Members
$35 for Members,
$40 for Non-members,
$55 for membership and dinner


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